
Euronext and Proxymity launch AGM voting tool

Euronext and Proxymity launch AGM voting toolProxymity, the digital proxy voting platform, and exchange operator Euronext have joined forces for the launch of a tool designed to provide insights into AGM voting patterns.

According to a statement, the collaboration will provide European issuers with “greater transparency and understanding voting patterns and behaviour”.

The launch of AGM Voting Insight comes at a time of increasing calls for more shareholder engagement as well as greater transparency in the process.

Features of the new service include analysis of vote resolutions at the beneficial owner level as well as greater detail on investor contact data.

The tool also claims to offer visibility into institutional voter patterns and trends.

“Now more than ever, it is important for companies to have transparency of their shareholder base,” said Jonathan Smalley, COO at Proxymity.

“In a world where shareholder engagement and sustainable finance are becoming central to the life of listed companies, we are delighted to provide cutting-edge tools to better connect our customers to the investment universe and for the preparation of their AGMs,” said Mathieu Caron, head of primary markets at Euronext.

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